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Chantelle Passmore

I AM ALFA because I overcome a lot in my life at such young age. I love to inspire people to continuously do better, I find that I am a good support system for those who believe they are failing.

Photography by: ALI SOHRAB

I’m originally born in Hamilton Ontario, moved to Nanaimo BC when I was 18 and I'm now currently living on my own! When I was 17 I lost 60 lbs., and was battling an eating disorder. I had a fear of eating anything that was put in front of me, I thought that no matter what I ate I was going to immediately gain back that 60 lbs. I took my time to learn about nutrition and surround myself around people who encourage me to do better (as I do to them). Today I am mentally and physically stronger and continuously striving to learn more.

As a trainer what does it mean to you to train your clients? I became a trainer because I didn't want my clients to go through what I went through. I wanted to be a support system and show them the proper techniques of getting to their goals without causing stress on their mental health.

I AM ALFA because I overcome a lot in my life at such young age. I love to inspire people to continuously do better, I find that I am a good support system for those who believe they are failing.

What are the most rewarding things that Fitness has brought you? My support system. Without this journey, I wouldn't have been able to meet my closest friends. My friends and I are able to come together and push through the struggles we are facing as well as share knowledge that may help else grow in the future.

When was the most alfa moment in your life, and why? The most Alfa moment of my life was when I got my personal training certification because I could not only reach my goals but help my clients reach theirs.

How Has Covid-19 impacted your daily life? Covid-19 was a bit of a blessing in disguise because even though I lost one of my jobs due to the virus, I was able to put myself first, take care of my goals and grow as a person mentally and physically. I was able to spend more time reconnecting with myself and my friends (over video call). I have also been able to try out new ways of exercising through calisthenics.

If you had to choose any positive thing about isolation, what would it be? I personally have been using isolation to focus on creating good habits and better routines such as: waking up on time, proper meal prep, reading, learning, working out, mobility work and stretching.

How have you been maintaining your emotional, mental, and physical well-being while in isolation? I have been learning ways to work around the difficulties, for example: I enjoy training with heavy weights, but because of covid-19 I have been able to find new ways of strength training by getting calisthenics which I really enjoyed! I've been using my spare time trying new things, as I am new to British Columbia, such as camping, exploring etc.

How do you envision the social, business, and family life to be after the lockdown? I think that there a lot of people who are looking forward to getting back into the gym and seeing their fellow gym members, this would be a great opportunity for me to grow my business as people have become comfortable in their own homes and haven't been pushing themselves to get to their goals.

What would be your message to the world? From my personal experience, I believe that we should have a balance between our comforts and being uncomfortable through pushing yourself through your goals; whatever those goals may be.

Please share up to 5 things people don’t know about you.

I have an identical twin.

I use to be 180 lbs., I've lost 60lbs.

My heaviest squat is 235 for 3.

My older sister inspires me to compete and is a body building competitor.

My 2 favourite qualities of mine is how open minded I am, and how realistic can be.

Please name few Alfa people you know.

Laura Passmore

Nick Bowman

Gabby Foglietta

What would be the ultimate tips you could share with everyone about LIFE? After working in long term care facility, I've realized that people aren't designed to live very long lives, that being said we should live or lives to the fullest and realize that we hold the reigns for our future and our stressors shouldn't take over our happiness.

What would be the ultimate tips you could share with everyone about Health?

Definitely to drink your water

To eat your veggies.

To explore new flavours.

To Pay attention to what you're picking up with your fork

To learn to be comfortable in your own skin.

To stop comparing what other have with what you don't have.

To work harder if you weren't successful the first time.

Your top favorite quote

Your strongest muscle and worse enemy is your mind. Train it well.

Where people can find you?

Instagram: chantellept1

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